天津地坪漆、停车场地坪、环氧车库地坪漆施工出现颜色差异该如何处理?位于北京的中科京工地坪材料公司价格**低,地坪工程施工质量**好!从事各类环氧地坪漆施工的厂家不可避免都会经历过施工中出现的一系列问题,比如施工完的地坪漆、停车场地坪、环氧车库地坪漆发黄,空鼓,起泡,色变的等问题,那么我们该如何处理呢? Tianjin floor paint, floor car park, construction epoxy garage floor paint appears to color differences on how to handle? Beijing is located in Beijing's Division flooring materials company site is absolutely low price, the quality of construction works absolutely fine floor! Engaged in the construction of various types of epoxy floor paint friends will inevitably arise in construction experienced a series of problems, such as construction finished floor paint, car floor, epoxy garage floor paint yellow, hollowing, blistering , the mere mention of such issues, then how do we deal with it? 首先我们先分析一下环氧地坪漆色差形成的原因: 首先,涂料未充分搅拌均匀; 其次,对于环氧地坪漆的涂层厚薄不均匀; 其三,在地坪施工中途断料从而导致色差的产生。 针对上述的几个原因,我们必须进行针对性的预防: 首先,在环氧树脂地坪施工前主剂应先充分搅拌均匀; 其次,应尽量使用固定工具以及加强施工人员施工熟练度; 再者,对于涂料必须一次备足,尽量避免断料情况的发生。 位于北京的中科京工地坪材料公司专业从事天津地坪漆、停车场地坪、环氧车库地坪漆施工,价格**低,地坪工程施工质量**好!欢迎来电咨询环氧地坪漆出现颜色差异该如何处理?